Join The Models Breaking The Silence And Demanding Their Pay
This website and its content is an attorney advertisement owned by the Kane Law Firm (KLF). KLF helps models and influencers get paid what they are owed. Any model(s) depicted are paid actors and not a member of KLF. Videos are a dramatization of fictitious events. Any mention of past results does not guarantee that similar results can be obtained for others. This site does not constitute legal advice and it does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and KLF.
It Is Time To Break The Silence
The Lawyers at UnpaidModels.com will magnify you voice, so your demands for payment are heard. Unpaid Models gives models a stronger voice and fights the fear of retaliation. If your compensation is more than 30 days late, you can recover your original daily rate plus up to 30 additional days pay.
When You Ask For Your Money;
Are You Told?
“In The Industry It Takes 90 Days”
“You’re Lucky To Be A Model”
Got Questions? We have answers.
Bad Employers have used fear to silence Unpaid Models for too long
It is illegal to retaliate against you for demanding your unpaid wages.
If the defendant retaliates, then you may have an additional claim for compensatory damages, treble damages, and punitive damages. Labor Code §§ 1050, 1054; Korea Supply Co. v. Lockheed Martin Corp., 29 Cal.4th 1134, 1153-1154 (2003)
California law protects its workers by ensuring YOU ARE PAID ON TIME
Models are entitled to your original payment PLUS 1 day’s pay for each day your money is late, up to a maximum of 30 days. These are called “waiting time” penalties.
For example, if a Client agreed to pay the Model $5,000 for a shoot, and the Client is more than 30 days late paying, then the Model may be entitled to the original $5,000.00 PLUS an additional $5,000.00 per day for 30 days. This totals $155,000 in “waiting time” penalties that the model may be entitled to.
This is how an unpaid $5,000 daily rate can turn into a claim for $155,000 plus attorney’s fees.
How much is your claim? Use our waiting time calculator for an estimate.
California law protects models by setting clear and strict time frames on when models need to get paid
If you finish a shoot or work between the 1st and 15th day of the month, you must be paid by the 26th day of the month. If you finished a shoot or worked between the 16th and last day of the month, you must be paid by the 10th day of the following month.
The Photoshoot Pay Easement Act
Models are employees, not independent contractors, even if the contract or talent agency says that you are
This is important because as employees, you are entitled to “waiting time penalties”, which means that a Client must pay the model the contract amount EACH DAY that they are late in paying us, up to 30 days maximum.
A licensed talent agent must pay the model within 30 days of receiving the funds from the client. If there’s a delay, your agent should provide documents explaining the delay, including a copy of the check and a record of the deposit. You may also be entitled to a refund of any agency charges for “advances” during the agent’s own delay.
You should ask your agent in writing if the payment has been received and confirm the response in writing.
If the payment has not been received, ask the agent in writing to send you a copy of the check when it comes in. This is important because a licensed talent agent must pay funds received from a client to the model within thirty (30) days. Labor Code § 1700.25
We represent models and influencers who have not been paid for their work.
Is it true that a model has to wait months to get paid for a photoshoot, because that is just the way it is the fashion industry?
No. Industry custom and practices allowing clients or talent agents to hold your hard-earned money for months violate the law. Zaremba v. Miller, 113 Cal.App.3d Supp. 1, 6 (1980).
I am short on cash and have no money for legal fees, can I still get help?
Absolutely. We work on a contingency, which means our legal fees only get paid out of money collected for you.
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